Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Performance of a Killing


Ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a killer at crime scene/moment of crime? There is no second chance, nothing is left but regret once the deed is done. What if one can kill without facing penalties behind bars? Enjoying the rush of adrenaline and the nerve wrecking suspense of a violent act can be hard to experience without dire consequences.


A police lineup is held. Witnesses view the stage behind glass window with no prior information of the performance that will take place. Cameras are set to record their reactions. The suspects walk into the room in a line formation. The actor/artist will be one of them. He uses a real pocket knife to stab one of the suspects. All suspects are paid actors. They wear flesh-like materials with enough thickness to protect against the knife. Animal blood is used within the material for realistic splatter.

Witnesses, will have no idea that these is a reenactment, will be astounded and start to panic. Doors will be locked until the performance is done.

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