Tuesday, December 29, 2009



We have created God's image. It is as imaginary as Bigfoot, dragons and vampires. A physical representation of God would be symbolic of this concept. The materials used would represent the different forms of "God" that people believe in. A group project would be ideal and best reinforce this concept. Detail: Three structures of about 15 to 20 feet, constructed with wood, plastic, glass, and metal spell out the word GOD. Long fluorescent lights are installed on the structures, to make the whole structure glow and illuminate bright shining light.

Structure would be hung five feet above the floor by metal wires.

Digital timers would be placed on each individual structure and set to count down from 7 days. For the first 6 days, it is opened for people to walk around it. On the 7th day, it would be enclosed behind a glass wall and when the timer runs out, the structure will explode.

(Version 2)

Structure is made with only glass. Alternative method of destruction is using a specific sound frequency which resonates to shatter the glass structures.


Structures will be filled religious and holy materials such as crosses, statues and Bibles. Shattered pieces of these materials will be on the ground as results of the explosion.

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