Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Disturbance in Public


To create a disturbance in public and study people's reactions.


At the MoMA, I had walked past an incident with two parents and a child with Down's syndrome. The exact reason for the scene cause by the family was unclear- either the child was failing to cooperate with the parents or the parents were forcing the child to do something he didn't want to. I had decided to ignore the scene and walk away. However, I noticed someone else watching the disturbance that was happening. I started to wonder why I hadn't bothered to care. Was it wrong to stare and be bothered by the disturbance?


Viewers see parents punishing/scolding a child for his/her behavior. Viewers may wrongly perceive that because the child has done something wrong, that is why he or she is being punished. The child may be mentally challenged. Hidden cameras will be set up around the staged event.

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