Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reminiscence/Day Dream


To give viewers an experience of reminiscence and daydream. Everyone's thoughts and states of mind are different at all times. Two people can experience different feelings and thoughts in the same space.


A series of room is designed with specific time period styles(ex. 1970s). Viewers can go back to their childhood such as walking into their old elementary classrooms. Before entering the room, viewers put on a helmet device that changes their whole experience of the room. Viewers experience the interior space differently by the different illusions projected on the screens of the helmets. The illusions will be tracked to certain furniture in the room, such as posters will be tracked onto the wall, or blood will be dripping out of cans. One might think it's a scary room while another might experience a majestic feeling with the different themes of the helmets. Once someone attempts to touch the illusions, the devices shuts off, reminding the viewers that they are still in reality.

More than one person can experience the room together. With different helmets, viewers will experience totally contrasting environments. Helmets can pinpoint other helmet's locations using tracking devices (iphone technology). With this programming, the helmet can clone out the space of the other helmet. This will cause viewers to think they're alone in the room. Once the helmet is removed, viewers will see that there are others in the room, giving them a dream like experience.

augmented reality



We have created God's image. It is as imaginary as Bigfoot, dragons and vampires. A physical representation of God would be symbolic of this concept. The materials used would represent the different forms of "God" that people believe in. A group project would be ideal and best reinforce this concept. Detail: Three structures of about 15 to 20 feet, constructed with wood, plastic, glass, and metal spell out the word GOD. Long fluorescent lights are installed on the structures, to make the whole structure glow and illuminate bright shining light.

Structure would be hung five feet above the floor by metal wires.

Digital timers would be placed on each individual structure and set to count down from 7 days. For the first 6 days, it is opened for people to walk around it. On the 7th day, it would be enclosed behind a glass wall and when the timer runs out, the structure will explode.

(Version 2)

Structure is made with only glass. Alternative method of destruction is using a specific sound frequency which resonates to shatter the glass structures.


Structures will be filled religious and holy materials such as crosses, statues and Bibles. Shattered pieces of these materials will be on the ground as results of the explosion.

Disturbance in Public


To create a disturbance in public and study people's reactions.


At the MoMA, I had walked past an incident with two parents and a child with Down's syndrome. The exact reason for the scene cause by the family was unclear- either the child was failing to cooperate with the parents or the parents were forcing the child to do something he didn't want to. I had decided to ignore the scene and walk away. However, I noticed someone else watching the disturbance that was happening. I started to wonder why I hadn't bothered to care. Was it wrong to stare and be bothered by the disturbance?


Viewers see parents punishing/scolding a child for his/her behavior. Viewers may wrongly perceive that because the child has done something wrong, that is why he or she is being punished. The child may be mentally challenged. Hidden cameras will be set up around the staged event.

Performance of a Killing


Ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a killer at crime scene/moment of crime? There is no second chance, nothing is left but regret once the deed is done. What if one can kill without facing penalties behind bars? Enjoying the rush of adrenaline and the nerve wrecking suspense of a violent act can be hard to experience without dire consequences.


A police lineup is held. Witnesses view the stage behind glass window with no prior information of the performance that will take place. Cameras are set to record their reactions. The suspects walk into the room in a line formation. The actor/artist will be one of them. He uses a real pocket knife to stab one of the suspects. All suspects are paid actors. They wear flesh-like materials with enough thickness to protect against the knife. Animal blood is used within the material for realistic splatter.

Witnesses, will have no idea that these is a reenactment, will be astounded and start to panic. Doors will be locked until the performance is done.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Costumed people on subway


To give someone an alien feeling within an enclosed space using costumed people.


Group of artists/actors dress in animal costumes using make up and realistic fur. Costumes are made to look realistic. No Halloween costumes. Fill up 90% of one train cart. When people enter the train, cameras are set up to capture their reactions. The artists will act indifferent to the train passengers, avoiding interaction with them. However, the artists will observe the passengers discretely. Viewers/train passenger is supposed to feel uncomfortable, weird, and out of place.


The inspiration for this piece comes from a self-realization while sitting on a NYC subway ride, that everyone is different. Though we are all humans, our personality and our mental states are very different from each other. Everyone has their own habits, their own ideas, doing their own thing and when they surround you and sit next to you, it can give a scary and eerie feeling.
Location: Subway, Airplane, Store, small public area.

THe hOMeLesS


To show the daily life of homeless people in New York through stacks of TVs in a specifically designed space.


Tiny cameras are hidden in hats and clothes. Clothes are given to the homeless. Cameras record the daily hardships of a homeless. Cameras are preferred to be at eye level. No faces will be exposed. Ask for permission(tip). (Didnt want to ask before bcuz it wouldnt be natural) Minimum of 30 different homeless persons. Each video will be carefully edited and displayed on old 15-20" TVs (no flat screen). TVs are stacked up to 6 feet. Rows of TV are aligned to create a secluded pathway. The middle of the pathway is widened to give a circular space where the viewer can get a full sense of how many homeless people suffer each day.
Inspiration: Homeless Encounter.

Location: Large public areas, Mall, Airport, Park

Light show behind fogged glass


An audience of 20 people sits behind a fogged glass. A set of colored lights are automated to move and flash to music, creating a visually (aesthetically?) pleasing light show.


A dark room is separated into two rooms using a glass wall. A group of about 20 viewers are seated on one side, facing the glass. On the opposite side, vivid lights flash in the dark to music. The two rooms will also have a significant temperature difference resulting in the formation of fog/condensation on the glass. The fog will help to create a glowing effect with the flashing lights.

Inspiration: Sex in a car.

Location: Museum